Centre Bell Parking
The Centre Bell address below can be put into into Google Maps or your preferred satellite navigation system to make your journey much easier:
1909 Avenue des Canadiens-de-Montreal, Montreal, Quebec H4B 5G0
Note: Traffic in Montreal nearer to the Centre Bell is known to be busier around times of major events. Please allow plenty of time to arrive, park and walk to the entrance.

Centre Bell is located in 1909, avenue des Canadiens-de-MontréalMontréal, QuébecCanada H3C 5L2. Guests who are planning on driving to the venue should arrive no later than 45 minutes before the event to allow plenty of time to find parking.
Parking is available in the Centre Bell’s parking garage that is open Monday to Friday from 5:30 am to 7 pm ($15 daily fixed rate).
On event nights, parking can cost from $15 to $38